What Can a Leadership Coach Do for You?

John Wooden Coaching Basketball

“A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.” —John Wooden 

Think back through your life. As you were growing up, who prodded you toward greatness? Who gave you gentle support while simultaneously challenging you to grow, to stretch? Who offered a candid perspective you could always trust, a wisdom that inspired? Perhaps it was a family member, a teacher … a coach. Whoever it was, your life is forever changed because of their influence.Young John Wooden

What about today? Who fulfills that role for you now that you’re an adult, a leader? So many of us make the mistake of leaving mentors and coaches behind at college. But we’re leaders now, not apprentices. Why would we need a coach?

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has an answer: “Every famous athlete, every famous performer has somebody who’s a coach. Somebody who can watch what they’re doing and say, ‘Is that what you really meant?’” He continues, “They can give you perspective. One thing people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really will help.” Watch this video to hear more:


Even (and perhaps especially) leaders can arrive at a point in their lives when they begin to stagnate, when they stop pursuing their deeper hopes and passions. They may be denying their core desires or may have lost sight of their original dreams.

We all know it’s lonely at the top. Who can a leader talk with frankly? Confide in? Trust? My answer: a coach. A leadership coach can meet you at the crossroads between mediocrity and greatness, emptiness and fulfillment. A coach can help you find your true self, map out your own path toward personal fulfillment and—by holding you accountable—help you stick to that path.

What about you? Are you ready to take the next step? To take your life that’s perhaps not bad—say an 8 out of 10—to a 12 or even a 14? Are you willing to engage with someone who’s going to tell you the truth, no matter how difficult? Who will help you uncover your naturally creative and resourceful self? Are you ready to go to the next level? If so, it’s time for you to discover the magic in leadership coaching.

Chris is available for free 30-minute sample coaching sessions. See what coaching can do for you. Contact Chris at 541.601.0114 or chris@capiche.us.


  1. Chris,
    This is so informative and since I have been with New York Life, my mentor (also the managing partner of the General Oregon Office in Salem) Blake McKinney has these traits and shares them with me on a regular basis. It it highly important and leave a great impact on me as I grow in this industry or if I choose any other industry. Great, resourceful content. I enjoy reading your articles that you put together. Very meaninful.

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