Archive for iPPQ

Most employee problems are directly related to . . .

I’m presenting tomorrow at the University of New Mexico’s Mentoring Institute Conference on Leveraging the Science of Happiness at Work. Excited! Also doing a poster session and getting my paper published in the proceedings. A copy will soon be on this website.  

Today’s offerings opened with renowned researcher and publisher David Clutterbuck. I was pleasantly surprised that most of what he said was a refrain of the learning and research I have been doing – always nice to confirm!

He is colorful and has some pretty interesting points of view. 
1. Most employee problems are directly related to their supervisors. 
2. If succession planning works, then why do the wrong people keep getting to the top (I think his next book is on succession planning). 

Also, he shared some very powerful questions to use in coaching. 
1. What’s the risk in succeeding?
2. How many lies are you telling yourself about this?

He noted that men and women consistently tell themselves different types of lies. I invite you! Who wants to guess what the differences are?


Chris Receives Accreditation from iOpener Institute for People and Performance and Can Now Offer a Free Team Report


Capiche is happy to announce that Chris Cook has received full accreditation from the iOpener Institute for People and Performance, based in Oxford, England. Chris is the only iOpener-accredited coach in the Pacific Northwest, and she has access to iOpener tools and solutions that no other coach in the region enjoys.

iOpener accreditation allows Chris to use the People and Performance Questionnaire (iPPQ) to perform an in-depth analysis of how employees feel about their work and how well they are performing in their work environment. The iPPQ assesses both individuals and teams, providing leaders with clearer insights into what works in their organization, and what could be better. The iPPQ provides practical next steps and encourages managers and leaders to share responsibility with their teams.

If you are interested in a complimentary team report, call Chris.

These reports are highly pragmatic and allow Chris to focus on how to make positive changes in your organization while protecting what works well. Best of all, the iPPQ is grounded in years of research, which can be found in academic journals and at presentations worldwide.

Call Chris at 541.601.0114 or email to learn how you may receive your complimentary team report.