Search Results for "science of happiness"

Who’s the Boss of Work Engagement and Happiness?

Try a new perspective: Instead of asking what your employer is doing, check in with what you are doing. Whose responsibility is it to create employee engagement, happiness and thus, results? According to most old-school employee engagement assessments, the employee is treated as a passive participant. Questions like, “My employer encourages work/life balance” or “My […]

The Top 4 Employee Needs to Fulfill for Greater Happiness and Productivity

If you’ve been following this blog and other science of happiness research, you already know achieving employee satisfaction is key to creating a sustainable and productive workforce. It’s simple, really. More satisfied employees = happier employees = more engaged employees = more productive employees = a mutually beneficial equation for everyone. A 2012 Gallup meta-analysis […]

The Path to Happiness May Be . . . Backward?

You know those days when everything seems to go wrong? When you tell yourself you are not going to trip on that extension cord, you are not going to mention that painful topic to your friend, you are not going to burn your hand on that pan you just pulled out of the oven—and then […]

This Year, Retrain Your Brain! Give Yourself the Happiness Advantage.

Why not start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen—as they happen? Then on New Year’s Eve, empty the jar and recall the year’s best moments. This is an idea that has been floating around in one form or another for some time, and I love […]

The Value of Happiness: How Employee Well-Being Drives Profits

Do you have any idea how happy I was to see my January/February 2012 issue of the Harvard Business Review with this cover? “The Value of Happiness: How Employee Well-Being Drives Profits.” My good cheer was palpable. This further confirms all that I have learned about the Science of Happiness at Work and the Performance-Happiness […]

Is Happiness a Luxury Small Businesses Can’t Afford?

As I am preparing for next week’s “Leveraging the Science of Happiness at Work” presentation to the Rogue Valley Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), I’m reflecting on a comment a Facebook friend made the other day when I shared results from a Wall Street Journal survey on happiness in the workplace. She wrote, “As […]

Cash in on Happiness

A lack of ethics and fairness in the workplace results in unhappy employees, who in turn become unproductive, lack creativity, and miss more days from work.  Happy employees work “more discretionary hours, take less sick leave, and stay longer in their jobs” (Pryce-Jones, 2010, p. 20). These findings are substantiated within the fields of psychology, neuroscience, […]

The Happiness Gene

I was interested to hear that a new study is the first to identify a “happiness gene.” This meshes nicely with Sonja Lyubomirsky’s work, which says 50 percent of our happiness is genetically programmed, 40 percent is our choice and the other 10 percent is unknown. Here’s the press release from the London School of […]

Happiness at Work

Chris Cook discusses the blossoming science of happiness at work. Q: How can organizations benefit from developing the capital within rather than hiring new employees? A: By helping employees achieve their potential, organizations are setting themselves up to gain a competitive advantage. Their employees will be more productive, creative, engaged and motivated, and they will […]

Capiche Conversations: Interview with Jonathan Hann, Operations Director at iOpener Institute

In 2003 when Jessica Pryce-Jones founded iOpener Institute for People and Performance, the Science of Happiness at Work™ was just a ripple in the sea of business research. Today, it is a tidal wave that has transformed organizational development.